Welcome to

Digital ArtForms

3D. Interaction. Immersion. Realtime.

Our mission

Our mission is to make interaction with complex 3D data second nature, easy to learn, and fast. Digital ArtForms was founded in 1998 to introduce their superior immersive two-handed interaction to a wide range of 3D markets and applications, including, Design, Medicine, Education, Training, Security, Military Command and Control, and Gaming.

Baggage Screening
Immersive World Building
Immersive Set Design
Command & Control and Emergency Services

What's possible?

Radiology -- iMedic3D

Baggage Screening -- Unpack 3D

Immersive World Building (with Sixense Entertainment) -- InDex

Immersive Set Design - MakeVR

Command & Control and Emergency Services - C2THI